about Leah + The Pixy Creatives

I'm Leah, your pixy designer

So I'm here for 2 things:
  • Create digital home your people would feel safe in
  • Make this home your 24/7 sales machine
about Leah + The Pixy Creatives

and I'm here to make your digital home a haven of dreams and transformations for your clients...
and an efficient sales machine for you!

I'm Leah, your pixy designer

I'm here to create digital home for your dream clients and make your aspirations of transforming lives come true.

about Leah + The Pixy Creatives

I'm Leah, your pixy designer

and I'm here to make your website reflect the transformation you promise.

about Leah + The Pixy Creatives

I'm Leah, your pixy designer

and I'm here because I know how to get people to trust in you.

about Leah + The Pixy Creatives

I'm Leah, your pixy designer

confidence = CONVERSION

They need to see very clearly that:

  • Your coaching program feels like a magical journey.
  • Your digital services delight the businesses you work with.

I’ve seen tons of amazing coaching programs and digital services getting a bad rap when they shouldn’t. Because what’s there to hate in a business that makes people's lives so much easier?

It feels great to have someone guide you from point A to point B. Or someone who takes all the overwhelm so people can focus on the more important things. I guess what I mean is...

You are someone the world needs to see.

It feels great to have someone like you!

Here’s something I’m pixel-perfectly sure of: 

And inside The Pixy Creatives, we’re gonna show the world your superpowers!

It starts with making your digital home feel like a dream come true. An online presence so welcoming people would love to stay with you! And a branding so holistic it inspires transformation, making it easy for your ideal clients to trust you with their journey.

It starts with making your people feel safe, seen, and transformed.

Because you are a hero!

It starts with making your people believe in you
the way I do.

Your Pixy Designer,

So it pains my heart that your digital home doesn't give justice to your worth.

So it pains my heart that you're not getting the credit you deserve.

This is the soul of our system inside The Pixy Creatives:

At The Pixie Creatives, we believe in the magic of clear and truthful communication. Every interaction is an open book so you will feel confident and informed at every step of your journey. We weave transparency into every conversation, building a foundation of trust that makes our collaboration as genuine as the dreams you bring to life.

We keep our decisions and actions open and honest, so you always know where we stand. By maintaining this openness, we build a bond of trust with our clients, creating a collaborative environment where your vision can truly sparkle and shine.

Our secret sauce is understanding and sharing with the feelings of our clients, making sure you feel heard and supported throughout our journey together. This empathetic approach means we walk beside you, sharing in your dreams and ambitions. We are here to sprinkle a little extra pixy dust on your vision, ensuring it flourishes and grows with the care it deserves.

Creativity is the heart of enchantment. At The Pixie Creatives, we thrive in innovative solutions that reflect the unique essence of your coaching programs and digital services. Every project is a new adventure, and we infuse our designs with a touch of magic that captures the spirit of your brand. Together, we create captivating digital experiences that stand out in the most delightful ways.

We are committed to delivering top-tier quality in every project so that every detail is meticulously crafted to perfection. Excellence is our promise to you; it's the stardust that makes our work shine. We transform your vision into a digital masterpiece that ties up to our goal–make your people believe in you.

With a degree in accounting in hand, I initially set my sights on a traditional finance career, unaware that my true calling lay elsewhere.

March 2021

My unexpected adventure into web design began with a freelance project for a financial coach. Despite having no prior experience, I dove in headfirst and discovered a whole new world of digital creativity.

October 2021

how it started

the great plot twist

That first project was like a spark, igniting a burning passion in me for creating digital solutions that help coaches connect with their audiences in meaningful ways. By the end of this project, I've full on decided I'm gonna be a web designer. Everything was starting to fall in its place - except that I didn't know where and how to start.

June 2022

So I got myself a coach. My personal journey with coaching during the most challenging period of my business was the among the most transformative phase of my career. It shifted my perspective, brightened my outlook on life, and honed my problem-solving skills.

September 2022



As I expanded my knowledge-base, I started seeing amazing coaches feeling lost in the web design wilderness—overcharged and misunderstood. This gap presented an opportunity for me to craft a service that truly supports and understands the dreams and aspirations of everyone in the coaching industry - coaches and clients alike.

January 2023

Once everything started making sense, I decided to double down on my systems with a one-on-one mentorship. The mentorship program was my guiding star, building my confidence, helping me develop robust business systems, and laying a solid foundation for The Pixy Creatives.

May 2023


mentorship influence

The Pixy Creatives was born from a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges of coaches. I made a pact to myself to never lose my sight on delivering high-quality, transparent services that exceed expectations.


 Guided by my empathetic nature and INFJ Advocate superpowers, I infuse every project with heart and soul. My mission? To support coaches and sprinkle a little magic into community welfare. To me, it’s all about blending passion with purpose and having fun along the way!


and since we're getting personal, allow me to share my journey:

Note: Timeline to be updated after getting a detailed information from the client.


that actually converts?

Oh, yes I am!

pixel-perfect website

start now

Convert leads to sales with your


Ready for a website that radiants this vibe?

I'm ready!


Do you believe in yourself too?

Oh, yes I do!

Website, Funnels, and Course Setup for Coaches and Service Providers who want to showcase the fairytale transformation that they promise.

the pixy creatives. Copy by brand story lounge